Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:11.

What a joyous day!!!  My savior, your savior, the savior of the whole world came down to earth to claim our sins and free us from eternal death.  Wowzers!!  Think of how much He lives us to do that for us.  I am awestruck by it. 

May you and yours have a wonderful holiday together.  I am very much looking forward to spending time with my close and extended family and friends. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Little Drummer Boy

I loved this photo.  I thought it was just adorable.

On the way to work this morning, I heard the new version of The Little Drummer Boy.  This has always been my favorite song.  I ALWAYS cry when I hear this song.  It chokes me up to think about being able to be there to honor our King with something as simple as a drum.  It would have been awesome to have been one of the privileged ones to be there and bring him a gift.  I totally relate to the line, "I am a poor boy too, I have not gift to bring, to lay before the king.  Shall I play for you, on my drum".  Jesus loves the small gifts much better than any gold, frankincense or myrrh.  He wants us to gift Him with our obedience, our praise and glorifying Him in everything we do.  Each one of the songs that I hear this morning after The Little Drummer Boy told me exactly that.  It was amazing how it all played together for me.  I know that I am not the only one that message was for, but I sure got it!  Yep I did!

I've been struggling a little with our church situation, not as much with my faith per se, but I have felt quite disjointed lately because we are a bit in limbo about going to church.  It seemed like this message was meant for me to tell me that I just need to keep my eyes on the "prize" and focus more on my Lord and Savior and less on where I am going to go to church.  We need to go yes, but I truly believe He is telling me to sit back and wait.  Focus on Him for now and just wait.  Wow, that will be so hard!! 

My family and I wish you the Merriest of Christmases and hope that you get to spend quality time with your family. Cherish them.  You never know when they won't be there for you to love and hug.  Blessings!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas decorations

We put up some decorations today.  I have a little more to do.  I love this time of year!  I have taught my kids it isn't about the presents.  We are celebrating the birth of our saviour. 

This is my favorite holiday.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


It is hard to believe that the year is almost over.  This is my favorite time of the year.  We celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Saviour.  There is no better time! 

I was talking with my 12 year old daughter last night about the meaning of Christmas and how commercial everything has gotten.  People seem to have this inane drive to out do each other when they are gifting and it is mind boggling.  I LOVE small, homemade gifts.  They mean so much more to me than a sweater or a scarf. 

I haven't decided what I am doing for my extended family yet.  Hubby and I have differing opinions on this.  There are some underlying issues there though that cause the differing opinions, it's somewhat complicated.  I'll share that one of these days.

Right now, I am just trying to stay in His will for my life and to do all I can do to glorify Him with my every day life.  It amazes me how hard that is though.  There are soooo many worldly influences that it is so tempting to drop back into my old ways and thinking.  I find myself there all too often.  I try not to beat myself up about it though, because God is right there with me when I "snap out of it" and get back on the right track. 

I appreciate prayers as we are in between churches again.  I'm not sure what is going on, but I am waiting for direction.  I feel like I am being pulled back to my old church and I am having a hard time with obeying.  To be honest, it has been so nice to be home on a Sunday morning, but yet, I feel this nagging pull that I should be out and at church.  Prayer is needed in this situation and I pray that you will ask that the Lord makes things clear for me and for my family.

I have to share a miracle with you.  My boss came into my office a couple of weeks ago and told me this story.

He has a friend whose sister lost her 4 year old to cancer not too long ago.  The sister is railing at God as to why her baby had to go and has really lost all faith in God.  Not a good situation!  The family is devout Catholic, so this is really tragic for them.  Well, just recently, they found out their 13 year old son has a rare form of cancer.  They figured it out when he was injured playing sports and just wouldn't get better.  They saw the best doctor in Indiana for the cancer and were given a few options.  Well, with the family being as religious as they are, they brought in a trained healer.  The lady trained with Irish Nuns for several years in the art of healing.  She laid hands on him and prayed over him in the spots that he had tumors.  He went back to the doctor a week or so later and two of the 3 tumors were gone.  GONE!  How amazing is that!!  What a miracle!!  When they told the healer that two of the 3 were gone, she said of course they are, the other one will be gone in a couple of days too.  WOW!

So, I said to my boss, you know what.  Do you know why that all happened?  It was to restore mom's faith.  I sincerely believe God used that situation to work in mom's heart!  I also believe that the absolute and unwavering faith of the healer has touched so many.  Just look at this:  my boss shared it with me, I shared it with my husband and also posted the story on Facebook (I have 100 or so friends).  Now I am posting it here and perhaps you will share the story.  That's how He works!  What a story to use for witness!  Yowza! 

It truly touched me.  Obviously, because I am here sharing it with you, but just think about what it would be like to have the absolute, undoubting, unwavering faith of that healer!  I have it sometimes in some situations, but there are more times that my doubting Thomas side shows. 

Lord, I pray that you will help me and all who are reading this to have that unfailing, unwavering and absolute faith the healer has.  I pray Lord that everything we do will be done to your glory and that you will be praised in all that we do and say.  Lord, I thank you for the blessings that you have given me and these dear readers.  It is in your will and grace that I pray. Amen.

If you have a similar story or something you wish to share, please feel free to do so in my comments.  I would love to read your stories!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hello friends!

We've been sooooooooooo busy!  No time for blogging for sure.  I have some time today because my baby girl is home sick with tonsilitis, a sinus infection and ear infection.  YIKES!  Twelve year olds can be really whiny when they don't feel well.  :-D  Please pray that the antibiotics work and she doesn't have to have her tonsils removed.  Eeps!

We've had some challenges with her and going to school.  I am hoping that this doesn't set her back.  Prayer for her schooling would be great as well.

I'll tell you one of my go to verses during these trials recently has been Psalm 18:2, "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower."  I am really leaning on Him heavily right now.  The school problems have caused financial problems and it just snowballs from there.  I have handed it all over to Him to get us through this really seems like a deep and wide one.  I hope there is an up side soon!

Thank you in advance for your prayers!!

In His Love,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Long Time

It's been a long time since I have made an entry and I apologize for that.  Life has been super busy lately with Soccer, Girl Scouts, work and a brand new church.

Our new church is awesome!  Our daughter is in love with the children's program and we've been volunteering some in the children's ministry.  Visit to find out more about our new church.

It's late and I don't have much to write, I hope to be back with a devotion soon.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday Party 1_0003.wmv

This is a film that my 11 year old created. They have been talking about and watching stop motion videos in class. She got a digital camera and some Squinkies for Christmas, so she decided to film a birthday party. Enjoy! There are more to come I am sure!