Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Little Drummer Boy

I loved this photo.  I thought it was just adorable.

On the way to work this morning, I heard the new version of The Little Drummer Boy.  This has always been my favorite song.  I ALWAYS cry when I hear this song.  It chokes me up to think about being able to be there to honor our King with something as simple as a drum.  It would have been awesome to have been one of the privileged ones to be there and bring him a gift.  I totally relate to the line, "I am a poor boy too, I have not gift to bring, to lay before the king.  Shall I play for you, on my drum".  Jesus loves the small gifts much better than any gold, frankincense or myrrh.  He wants us to gift Him with our obedience, our praise and glorifying Him in everything we do.  Each one of the songs that I hear this morning after The Little Drummer Boy told me exactly that.  It was amazing how it all played together for me.  I know that I am not the only one that message was for, but I sure got it!  Yep I did!

I've been struggling a little with our church situation, not as much with my faith per se, but I have felt quite disjointed lately because we are a bit in limbo about going to church.  It seemed like this message was meant for me to tell me that I just need to keep my eyes on the "prize" and focus more on my Lord and Savior and less on where I am going to go to church.  We need to go yes, but I truly believe He is telling me to sit back and wait.  Focus on Him for now and just wait.  Wow, that will be so hard!! 

My family and I wish you the Merriest of Christmases and hope that you get to spend quality time with your family. Cherish them.  You never know when they won't be there for you to love and hug.  Blessings!!

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